
Realizing A World Where Nothing Is Ever Wasted


August 21, 2014
Wouldn’t you like to create less waste? What about no waste? Most of us make the effort to recycle, but we still produce a lot of waste. Recyclebank motivates individuals and communities to realize a world where nothing is wasted.

Recyclebank’s goal is to help people live more sustainably. Like us here at Unilever, they believe that individual actions — such as increasing recycling or learning about greener ways to purchase, consume or dispose of products — can add up to a big impact for our planet, which is why we’ve partnered with them since 2011 to help people everywhere live more sustainably. It’s all about those little changes, those everyday green actions that collectively make a big impact.

In 2013, Unilever and Recyclebank teamed up to provide tips for greener living at 473,003 pledges were taken to reduce waste and energy usage.

Participant pledges have saved a total of 22 million kilowatt hours a year by recycling 37 million pounds of goods. This is enough energy to sustain 1,800 homes for one year or power a TV for 21,000 years.

Here are a few tips for less waste in your life:
  • Recycle, Recycle, Recycle — Cartons, boxes, and toilet paper rolls are all recyclable, among many other household plastics and paper.
  • Don’t forget the Bathroom! — Place a receptacle for recycling in the bathroom to make it easier for those shampoo and conditioner bottles.
  • Second Lives — Upcycle glass jars and other containers, putting them to new uses. A second life for old containers can reduce waste drastically. For example, turn an empty jar into an herb planter or make a shower caddy out of used shampoo bottles.
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